Different Methods of Voice Enhancement

Different Methods of Voice Enhancement


While last week's article focused on specific voice enhancement techniques of the ChairSpeaker, this week we will discuss some other methods that work to improve the quality of the sound that you hear.

One type of voice enhancement is to control the different tones in specific tones or frequencies in order to make an audio signal softer or louder. This is accomplished by an electrical circuit that consists of a network of filters which adjust the signal before it is delivered to the speakers, headphones or recording devices through an amplifier. An enhancement like this is also found in the ChairSpeaker.

A second type of voice enhancement is adjusting the speed of speech patterns. An average person speaks around 150-180 words per minute. What is too fast or too slow is mainly dependent on your personal preference, but there are times in which either one can have a positive effect on your listening experience. Using a faster pace tends generate excitement in key moments, while a slower pace if used correctly, can grab attention when making an essential point. A simple pause can grab your attention cleverly and subtly.

A third type of voice enhancement is to have software that enhances syllables. A syllable technically is a single, unbroken sound of a spoken word. They usually contain a vowel followed by a consonant. In spoken language syllables are referred to as beats. With certain software, these beats can be manipulated to enhance the understanding of the spoken word.

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