How to Find the Best Sound Producing Pillow for Tinnitus: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Find the Best Sound Producing Pillow for Tinnitus: A Comprehensive Guide

Tinnitus is a condition in which you hear noises that aren't actually there. The sounds can vary from a ringing to a hissing or buzzing noise. Some people only experience the condition for hours at a time, while others find it difficult to sleep, work, and enjoy social engagements due to their tinnitus. You may be wondering how you could find the best audio pillow for tinnitus and the first thing you need to do is to know your options. There are three types of sound making pillows: white noise, music therapy, and relaxation therapy. We will explore these three different types of audio pillows and their benefits so you'll be able to make an informed decision as to which one might work best for you.


The Different Types of Audio Pillows

Sound pillows are made to provide a range of different sounds for people with tinnitus. There are three types of sound producing pillows: white noise, music therapy, and relaxation therapy.


White Noise

White noise is a type of sound made up of a combination of all frequencies in the audible spectrum. It's most commonly used by people who suffer from ringing in their ears or ringing that oscillates in pitch. White noise can also be helpful for masking noises from outside the home.


Music Therapy

Music therapy is often used as a tool when trying to help someone cope with tinnitus. Music therapy is typically used when trying to reduce or manage symptoms such as anxiety or depression or help with sleep issues. Music therapy is also beneficial for managing symptoms such as hyperacusis, which causes an individual to have difficulty hearing normal sounds due to an excessive amount of specific frequencies.


Relaxation Therapy

Relaxation therapy, on the other hand, is mainly designed for those who suffer from chronic anxiety and insomnia due to their condition. The purpose of this type of pillow is to help you relax and get more sleep at night. This type of pillow has multiple benefits such as lessening stress and improving the quality of sleep

White Noise

White noise can help mask the sound of tinnitus. If you're experiencing an ongoing ringing, humming, or buzzing noise that makes it difficult to fall asleep or concentrate at work, white noise could be the perfect solution for staying sane.

White noise is also a great way to help mask the tinnitus if it's only occasional. White noise can provide relief from tinnitus even when it's not present for hours at a time.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is an effective way to help ease tinnitus symptoms. Music therapy has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, and elevate mood.

One study found that music therapy helped to decrease tinnitus-related anxiety in adults with the condition. It also improved the quality of life for those who participated in the study.

Music therapy can have a positive impact on tinnitus sufferers because it helps them focus on something else other than their noise-induced problems. This can be beneficial for relieving negative thoughts or feelings caused by tinnitus or any other ailment.

Music therapy does not require you to listen to specific songs or worry about what type of music might cause your tinnitus to worsen. Instead, you can select any music that you like, whether it's classical, jazz, country, classical celtic, hip hop, rock 'n' roll, or anything else!

Relaxation Therapy

White noise is a sound that's said to help mask the ringing in the ears of someone with tinnitus. White noise is also sometimes referred to as "background noise." It can be any sound that has a low pitch and a constant volume. In general, white noise masks some of the sounds that ring or buzz in your ears. Music therapy, on the other hand, may help those who experience tinnitus regain their sense of hearing. The music helps distract from the ringing and it gives you something else to focus on. A relaxation therapy pillow works by using gentle vibrations and soft pulses to help you relax and regain your composure.


The three different types of sound pillows: white noise, music therapy, and relaxation therapy


1) White Noise: This type of pillow creates background noise so you're able to sleep more easily at night with less interference from ringing or buzzing noises coming from your ears.


2) Music Therapy: This type of pillow uses music to distract from ringing or buzzing noises coming from your ears during rest or work time.


3) Relaxation Therapy: This type of pillow provides gentle massages and vibrations which ease stress and tension in order for you to sleep better and feel more

What are the benefits of relaxation therapy?

Relaxation therapy is the most popular audio pillows that people use for tinnitus. It's also the cheapest. The benefits of relaxation therapy are that it soothes your brain and helps you relax. This is great because when you're relaxed, your brain doesn't produce any painful sounds.

The downside of relaxation therapy is that there's no actual sound to listen to. You'll experience a sense of calm but won't be able to hear anything your eyes can see or your ears can hear. If this sounds like too much downtime for you, then you might want to try other options such as white noise or music therapy instead.

What are the benefits of music therapy?

Music therapy is a type of sound therapy that uses music to help patients should they have tinnitus. The sounds that are played can range from classical to rock or even soothing nature sounds. Music therapy helps patients relax and fall asleep faster. It also lowers blood pressure, which can decrease the severity of tinnitus symptoms.

Music therapy has been found to decrease tinnitus by as much as 25 percent in some cases according to research conducted by the University of Kansas Medical Center. This type of sound therapy has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression among those who have it.

Besides the benefits mentioned above, music therapy is also useful for people who suffer from insomnia due to its ability to lower blood pressure and anxiety levels among other things. Music therapy may also help you sleep better at night, which will increase your productivity during the day since you'll be more rested.

What are the benefits of white noise?

White noise is a type of sound that is made up of high-pitched tones. It can help you sleep by blocking out other sounds, including tinnitus.


If you are suffering from tinnitus, white noise will also help to relieve your symptoms.

White noise might be the best option for someone who finds it difficult to concentrate because it blocks out other noises and helps to block out tinnitus.


While you may not know if White Noise, Music Therapy, or Relaxation Therapy is right for you, not to worry Head Spots Bluetooth has all three. Because Head Spot can use audio from your phone or tablet you can try all of them. Learn more hear

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