Happy Labor Day from KARE, LLC

Happy Labor Day from KARE, LLC

Every year on the first Monday of September we celebrate Labor Day. For a lot of people this holiday has many meanings.

For some, it's the unofficial end to summer and the beginning of the school year for the kids. For others, it represents a time for parades, picnics, barbecues, fireworks and other public gatherings.

This holiday was originally created by the labor movement back in the late 19th century in order to pay tribute to the achievements and accomplishments of the American workers.

This year's Labor Day however, is a little different. Due to the world wide COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of our children will be attending school from home. There will be no parades, very few picnics and barbecues and smaller public gatherings to watch the fireworks.

Also, the pandemic has caused an unfortunate rise in unemployment to rates not seen since the Great Depression of the 1920's, making tributes to the American worker all that more precious.

So while our country goes through this time of unrest and uncertainty, we at KARE, LLC wanted to say thank you for your support. We understand priorities might be elsewhere right now, and rightfully so, but we will always be available for those in need of our services.

KARE, LLC is also in the process of making sure that more of our American workforce is involved with our products now so that we can have a brighter and more secure future.

Thank you again from the KARE family and have a happy and safe Labor Day!!

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